lørdag 9. november 2013

nr 10 WPGA International Challenge

WPGA International Challenge

Now in England the season of 2013 has been so much fun. The people i have gotten to meet the places i have gotten to travel to and the experiences i have gotten to collect has been plenty. And this week was turning out to be no different. The first day I played a great pro-am with some fantastic people and i had a really good round of golf as well. With 6 birdies and only one bogey my practice round was what i call a success and i was really looking forward to the event to start so i could take the good feeling out in the event.

I started the event really well and was soon well under par and the opportunities kept coming as i was hitting the ball close to the hole but not really making any putts.... BUT on the back nine my right shoulder (this time) popped and out of nowhere both my arms were now dislocated..... I guess it wasnt enough that my left shoulder dislocated a month back but now having it happen to my right one as well is just crazy! ( feeling i have to mention that i am very hypermobile meaning that all my joints are very easily hyperextended so for me to dislocate a joint is not as hard nor painful as it would be for a "normal" person - but its still painful and can be very damaging. )  I finished playing the round even though my scorecard took a big turn. I was in pain but ok enough to play the second round and i must say i did a pretty good job shooing 72 but it wasnt enough in the end and i ended up missing the cut by one shot! VERY disappointed i retuned with only 4 birdies and one eagle..... but the focus need to be on my shoulders now and not the results so that i can come back from this injury quick because two dislocated shoulders can be a carrier ending story if your not smart when it comes to rehab and rest.

Turns out i was the poster girl for this event :)

Round 1453355343355446545634277
Round 2452474442364344445443672

nr 9 Ladies Norwegian Challenge

Ladies Norwegian Challenge 

Finally the week had come were we were playing at home in Norway and at one of my favorite courses. Hauger golf club is a course were i have good memories from before and i had been looking forward to be playing this event all season.

Not only is it fun to be playing at a course were you have good memories but its fun to be playing so close to home to were your friends and family can come to watch. Its a lonely lifestyle we have chosen to live as professional athletes so when we get to see your closest friends at the same time as you get to do what you love its a good feeling. Now saying that, its important to keep focused on the job which was the golf tournament. I did feel i managed to do that but looking back at the week i think i could have done an even better job at just that. Next year i am prepared to focus more on what my job is and not as much on all the people around even tho its nice to be able to include my friends into the life i live and they understand so little about.

The game this week was not at its best... having struggled with my shoulder from the last event i was also a little timid when it came to hitting the ball. The fact that i was even playing was something my physio was doubting was even possible. I finished 21st in the end which was the worst finish of the season so far so as much as i had been looking forward to the week i ended up not having had as much fun as i was hoping..... I still love that course tho so i am looking forward to next year already!

10 Birdies !!!

Also this is my new tour bag :) now supporting Active agains cancer :)

Round 1434356436384634445343775
Round 2455344344365345545343874
Round 3535255354374455445333774

nr 8 Norrporten Ladies Open

Norrporten Ladies Open

Sverige – Norrporten

I decided to drive down to Norrporten/Sundsvall even tho I knew it was along long drive up there. I had never driven though Finnskogen before so I took it as a chance to explore the wast woodland that covers X% of Sweden, Norway and Finland. I had played the course before and was looking forward to be coming back to Sundsvall. The summer was definitely coming to an end as the temperatures dropped down to single digits in the evening and early mornings and two out of three rounds was delayed due to heavy fog.

I stared of the event with a bad back but fought my way though the cut line and was exited to give it a good fight the final day but due to my back acting up I had overcompensated other muscles in the shoulders and ended up dislocation my left shoulder on the first hole on the last day!!! I don’t think I need to explain how that was but I tried to play a few holes after getting it back in but ended up having to pull out of the event and return home disappointed and in pain!

There was birdies out there but they did  not really matter as i could not count the last round! The scorecard was not available online since i had to withdraw but i had 5 birdies the first two rounds. 

nr 7 HLR Golf Academy Open

HLR Golf Academy Open

My first event in Finland was a great experience. I enjoyed meeting a new culture that is so close but yet so far from our own. 

I don’t know if I will take time of to visit Helsinki unless there is an event related to coming to Finland BUT it was definitely an enjoyable experience having come here and i do hope there will be other events in the future.  

I flew in to Helsinki and drove down to Hillside were one other the other players and I had booked a room at a very nice little bed and breakfast. We woke up every day to the sound of sheep-bells and the smell of home cooked breakfast and when we returned in the evening the candles were lit and the fireplace burning giving us the real sensation of coming home to a Scandinavian cabin.

The course we played was a fun and different course that had many challenging holes but also many forgiving ones. I started the week spectacular and was leading after the first round which was the first time this year. The second and third round was a bit more challenging and I fell down the list but I did manage to pull though in the very end and fought back to a 9th place after finishing 2 under on the back nine the last day. As we have said earlier this year top 10 is a top 10 so ill take it and fokus on the next event which is coming up in Sweden. 

I did collect some birdies and the total count this week was as you can see under - 8

Round 1344345333323445444443668
Round 2335355444363644544443874
Round 3545455435402534444443474

Nr 6 Ingarö Ladies Open hosted by Elin Emanuelsson

Ingarö Ladies Open hosted by Elin Emanuelsson

The summer is setting in and it is definitely not wrong to be in scandinavia for these summer months.

This weeks event was held in the beautiful Ingaro in Sweden and despite the first hole on the first day i must say this week has been all around great. Its not every week we get to lay by the beach and walk in historic cities while we are out on the road playing events. Most weeks we get to see the airport, the hotel/apartment and the golf course and thats about it. Not because we dont come to nice places but because we just dont have time, but this week we had both time and the opportunity. My mum and i really got to explore the area and we had the best time! 

Now for the event it self, i played really well! The swing felt great and i played strong and stabile golf for all but one hole. The very first shot on the very first hole on the very first round ended up a little left and long story short i ended up walking of the hole with an 8!!! NOT so happy about that BUT i kept my head cool and ended up playing the rest of the event at -1. In total i finished 13th and thats not bad when i shot my self in the foot that early.

I collected 5 birdies for the event which also isnt so good either but the total number of pars is world class so again i have to be happy and focus on what is good.

Round 1843435534394534445333574
Round 2444545533374434345343471
Round 3443535434355424345443570